Baked to Perfection NY is a micro-bakery based out of Nicole’s hometown, White Plains. Nicole’s passion for baking began in the kitchen with her mom and grandma and only grew stronger with age.
After seeing a commercial for the Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) she enrolled immediately and graduated with a pastry arts degree in March 2016. That October she began Baked to Perfection to sell specialty cupcakes, detailing flavor lists based on the months/holidays to keep things creative and fun.
She is ready to cater to your special event dreams - birthdays, graduations, weddings, baby showers, party favors, surprise gifts - any way she can help make the celebration a sweet one to remember. She not only customizes cupcakes to the occasion, but offers personalized labels as well. Her edible works-of-art are available to purchase in singles at Rooster’s Market on Gedney Way.